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Overview of Bitter Leaf

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What is "Bitter Leaf"?
Bitter Leaf, scientifically known as Vernonia amygdalina, is a plant with many health benefits. It is known for its anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-malarial, and anti-parasitic properties. The plant can be found in the eastern and western parts of Africa where it grows wild along waterways, in grasslands, and at the edges of forests. The plant can grow up to 2-5m and has elliptical green leaves up to 20cm long. Bitter Leaf juice helps in calming the body system and promotes sleeping. It is good for people suffering from insomnia. Bitter Leaf extract protects against kidney damage by restoring normal values of urea and creatinine.
RamenApps Analysis

The data shows a significant increase in relative interest in bitter leaf from 2019 to 2023. This is reflected in the search volume and competition index for related terms, with "bitter leaf" having high competition and a high CPC. There is also a wide range of related categories and trends, including health, spirituality, and cooking, indicating the versatility of bitter leaf. Furthermore, there is a growing interest in bitter leaf soup, a recipe with low competition and a high search volume, suggesting that this could be a potential market. Overall, the data suggests that there is a growing interest in bitter leaf and its benefits, making it a promising investment or business opportunity.