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Superfood Trends

RamenApps Analysis

Superfood, noun [ soo-per-foo d]: A buzzword that describes food items rich in nutrition and health benefits, making them the perfect addition to any diet. Filtering through the latest trends in this category, we can see that the use of traditional foods, like fruits and edamame, is still going strong. However, there is an increase in interest towards more unique items like kachava and jicama. Alongside this, there's a boost in demand for supplements such as Athletic Greens, Primal Greens, and Humann Superbeets to help achieve the desired health benefits. Despite the variations, one trend that stands out is an inclination towards gut health, with products and terms centered around this theme such as 'Gut Health' and 'Superbeets' dominating the market. Whether you're a wellness enthusiast or just looking to improve your overall health, Superfoods' diverse range has it covered.

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