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Overview of Collar Workers

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What is "Collar Workers"?
Collar workers are individuals grouped according to the color of their work outfits' collars, historically associated with pay, social class, and even gender. The two most popular types of collar workers are blue-collar and white-collar workers. Blue-collar workers perform manual labor and are paid hourly or on a piecework basis, while white-collar workers perform mental or clerical work and are salaried professionals. There are other types of collar workers, such as pink-collar workers who are employed in low-paid jobs like librarians and receptionists, and scarlet-collar workers who work in the pornography industry.
RamenApps Analysis

The search volume for Collar Workers has been steadily increasing since early 2020, with a peak in interest in March 2023. Blue-collar workers receive the most attention and searches, followed by white-collar and pink-collar workers. The associated trends that are rising in interest include job, definition, wage, social class, and economy. Although the CPC for Collar Workers is low, there is high competition for related search terms like collar work shirts and blue-collar work clothes. Despite the pandemic and technological advances, Collar Workers continue to be a relevant topic of discussion. The projected future of Collar Workers may depend on factors like automation and industry changes.