This Is A Move<!-- --> - trending topics on RamenApps

Overview of This Is A Move

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Monthly searches for last 12 months
What is "This Is A Move"?
This Is A Move is a song performed by Tasha Cobbs Leonard and Brandon Lake, which has been released as a live and lyric video on YouTube. The song is also performed by Brandon Lake with Bethel Music Worship. The song has gained popularity in recent years and has been viewed by many on YouTube. Its lyrics and religious themes have resonated with listeners, making it a popular choice for worship services and events. While the origin and context of the song are not clear from the search results, it appears to be a powerful and inspiring piece of music.
RamenApps Analysis

Based on the data provided, This Is A Move has seen a steady rise in relative interest over time, with a peak in April 2022. Additionally, the song has a current monthly search volume of 1,000, indicating consistent interest. The associated search terms and categories suggest a strong emphasis on religious themes and musical expression, with related trends on the rise. This suggests a continued interest in the song and related topics, particularly within the Christian community. Overall, the data suggests that This Is A Move could continue to gain popularity and remain a significant cultural and religious touchstone.