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Overview of Clavam

Monthly Searches
Interest Over Past 5 Years
Interest Over Past 12 Months
Monthly searches for last 5 years
Monthly searches for last 12 months
What is "Clavam"?
Clavam is a class of antibiotics derived from Streptomyces clavuligerus NRRL 3585. It is a combination of two medicines: Amoxycillin and Clavulanic acid, used to treat bacterial infections of the lungs, airways, ears, urinary tract, skin, bone, joints, soft tissue, and respiratory tract. Clavam is effective against a large number of bacteria, and it prevents the formation of bacterial cell walls and kills the infection-causing bacteria. Clavam is also used to prevent bacterial infections in people who are allergic to penicillin. It is advisable to take Clavam tablet as a whole with water, preferably after meals to avoid stomach discomfort. It is also recommended to visit a doctor for the most satisfactory available treatment plan before self-medicating to treat a cough.
RamenApps Analysis

Rise in Interest and Popularity of Clavam

The trend report showcases a consistent increase in interest and popularity surrounding Clavam over the past few years, with fluctuating peaks and troughs. The most recent data point indicates a relative interest level of 64, suggesting a growing curiosity and attention towards this antibiotic.

Search Volume and Competition Analysis

The monthly search volume for Clavam stands at 210, indicating a significant level of interest among users. Furthermore, the low competition index of 18 presents an opportunity for entrepreneurs and content creators to capitalize on this trend with minimal competition in the market.

Associated Search Terms and Related Trends

By exploring associated search terms such as "Clavam 625" and "Clavam dry syrup," it is evident that there is a diverse range of keywords related to Clavam that users are actively searching for. Leveraging these specific search terms in content creation and marketing strategies can help target a more niche audience interested in Clavam and its uses.

Competitor Analysis and Market Players

Studying market players such as,, and provides insights into successful platforms within the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry. Entrepreneurs and investors can draw inspiration from these players' strategies, such as online pharmacy services, digital consultations, and medicine delivery, to innovate and create unique offerings in the Clavam space.

Leveraging Rising Associated Trends

Identifying rising associated trends like Capsule, Amoxicillin, and Antibiotics presents an opportunity for entrepreneurs to create content and products that intersect with the growing interests of users. By integrating these trends with Clavam-related topics, businesses can attract a broader audience and stay current in the evolving healthcare landscape.

Expansion into Veterinary Space with Clavamox

The search data highlights a significant interest in Clavamox for dogs and cats, indicating a potential market opportunity in the veterinary space. Entrepreneurs and investors can explore partnerships with veterinarians or pet care brands to introduce Clavamox products tailored for pets, tapping into a niche market segment with growing demand.

Telemedicine and Online Pharmacy Integration

Considering the popularity of online pharmacies and telemedicine platforms like Apollo Pharmacy and, there is a trend towards digital healthcare services. Entrepreneurs can explore opportunities to integrate Clavam prescriptions, consultations, and medicine orders into existing online pharmacy platforms, enhancing convenience and accessibility for users.

Collaborations with Healthcare Institutions

Partnering with healthcare institutions like Medicover Hospitals and NPS MedicineWise can provide entrepreneurs with credibility and access to a broader network within the healthcare industry. Collaborations can lead to the development of research-backed content, educational campaigns, and innovative healthcare solutions related to Clavam and bacterial infections.

Geographic Expansion and Localization

Expanding Clavam products and services to new regions within India, especially in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad where online pharmacy services are popular, can drive growth and market penetration. By localizing content in regional languages like Hindi and Marathi, entrepreneurs can cater to a diverse audience and enhance user engagement.