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Marriage Trends

RamenApps Analysis

Marriage - a lifelong bond between partners who promise to tolerate each other's quirks and share the remote control. But what is the state of marriage today? Are we heading towards more traditional or unconventional approaches? Well, based on our trends, it seems like we're all about the chapter of commitment, new community members, and any families who are willing to join the union. But don't be deceived by the old-fashioned name tags; our platform of choice is modern, and social work today plays an important role in how we view marriage. Some may still be stuck in the function clothes of the past, but others are embracing the freedom to love and challenging societal norms with intimate relationships. And for those seeking guidance on this journey, we have everything from marriage contracts to dating groups to second wife searches. So whether you're a fan of jelly roll or Thai dramas, there's always a way to find love and happiness in the institution of marriage.

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