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Overview of More Sense

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What is "More Sense"?
The search results for "More Sense" include definitions of the term "make sense" from Merriam-Webster and synonyms from, as well as discussions on whether the phrase "made more sense" or "make more sense" is correct. There is also a song titled "More Sense" by Deem Melly available on Amazon Music. "Sense" is defined as the ability to understand or react to something, and it is often used in phrases such as "common sense," "judgment," or "wisdom." Overall, the information relates to the concept of understanding, making sense of things, and the various ways it can be expressed in language.
RamenApps Analysis

Trend Analysis: More Sense Search Term

  • Search Trend Analysis: The search trend for the term "More Sense" has been consistently high over the past few years, with occasional fluctuations. The peak search interest was recorded in Q1 2024, indicating a significant level of interest and relevance among users. This consistent search interest suggests a growing curiosity or need for information related to understanding, perception, and clarity.

  • Associated Search Terms Analysis: The associated search terms such as "common sense" and "improve behavior, build school spirit" indicate a focus on practical knowledge, decision-making, and behavioral insights. Leveraging these related search terms can provide valuable insights into the audience's interests and preferences in the realm of understanding and perception.

  • Players in the Trend Analysis: Platforms like Merriam-Webster,, and are key players in providing definitions, synonyms, and educational resources related to language and understanding. Collaborating with these platforms can enhance the visibility and credibility of any startup or content creation endeavor focused on promoting "More Sense."

  • Opportunities in Content Creation: With a steady increase in search interest around "More Sense," there is an opportunity for content creators to develop engaging and informative content that helps users enhance their understanding, judgment, and decision-making skills. Ideas such as creating podcasts, videos, and blog posts discussing common sense, critical thinking, or language nuances can attract a wide audience seeking such knowledge.

  • Education and Language Tools: Given the interest in understanding and perception, developing educational tools, language learning platforms, or productivity resources focused on improving users' sense-making abilities can be a lucrative venture. Integrating features that enhance cognitive skills, critical thinking, and communication can cater to the growing demand for tools that facilitate better understanding and reasoning.

  • Collaboration with Sound Platforms: Considering the presence of platforms like, exploring partnerships or collaborations with sound-focused websites can offer unique opportunities to promote the concept of "More Sense" through audio content. Creating soundscapes, podcasts, or music tracks that align with the theme of understanding and perception can resonate with users seeking sensory experiences to enhance their sense-making abilities.

  • Incorporation of Mental Health and Well-being: As the trend around "More Sense" encompasses topics related to mental health, intelligence, and perception, integrating elements of mindfulness, stress management, and self-awareness into products or services can add value to users seeking holistic improvement in their understanding and decision-making processes. Emphasizing mental well-being alongside knowledge acquisition can create a comprehensive offering that appeals to a broader audience interested in personal growth and development.