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Overview of Knowledge graph

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What is "Knowledge graph"?
A Knowledge Graph is a data layer used for answering complex queries across data silos. It represents and organizes contextualized data in the form of graphs. Google's Knowledge Graph presents information about people, places, or things within knowledge panels. The Knowledge Graph API Search API is free for developers up to a quota of 100,000 read calls per day. A knowledge graph in NLP stores data resulting from an information extraction task in triples, consisting of a subject, a predicate, and an object. Knowledge graphs create supreme connectedness between data silos and are a flexible, reusable data layer.
RamenApps Analysis

The trend analysis reveals a steady increase in interest and popularity for Knowledge Graph since 2018. The current monthly search volume of 6600, combined with a low competition index and CPC, indicates a growing interest in this field. Related trends, including information extraction, question answering, and graph neural networks, suggest that Knowledge Graph will become an essential tool for data management across various industries. Furthermore, popular associated search terms, such as knowledge graph python and knowledge graph database, suggest that demand for Knowledge Graph-related tools and resources are growing. Overall, these metrics suggest a promising future for Knowledge Graph, and investors and business leaders should consider incorporating this technology for effective data management and analysis.