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Overview of Ikorodu

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What is "Ikorodu"?
Ikorodu is a large city in Lagos State, Nigeria, located to the north-east of Lagos along the Lagos Lagoon and sharing a boundary with Ogun State. It has a population of 989,000 people (2021) and is known for being the fastest-growing part-exurb of Lagos metropolis, owing in part to increasing influx of people from Ikorodu's surrounding towns and villages attracted by the town's proximity to Lagos. The town's name is derived from a Yoruba root word, oko-odu, meaning the farm (oko) of (odu), a kind of plant, and it has existed since the 17th century. Ikorodu is a hub for banking in Nigeria, and it is becoming increasingly modern with a large workforce population, making it hectic and lively.
RamenApps Analysis

Based on the Google Trends data, interest in Ikorodu has been increasing steadily over the past few years, with a significant spike in September 2022. The city's growing population and increasing modernization make it a hub for business and banking, and there is growth potential in various industries, including agriculture, technology, and real estate. In addition, the associated trends and search terms suggest a focus on infrastructure, transportation, and tourism, indicating potential for development in those areas. Overall, Ikorodu appears to be a vibrant and dynamic city with a bright future.