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Overview of Code Platform

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What is "Code Platform"?
A code platform is a type of technology used for designing and developing applications quickly and with minimum hand-coding. There are low-code and no-code development platforms available that allow both developers and non-developers to create applications with ease. Some examples of low-code platforms include Jotform, Mendix, Microsoft PowerApps, OutSystems, and Salesforce Lightning. No-code platforms include AppGyver and Airtable. Caspio is a popular low-code platform that offers free services. These platforms help in fast development by minimizing hand-coding efforts and reducing the traditional programming effort. Low-code platforms are a great tool for people who either do not know how to code or have no time to code.
RamenApps Analysis

The trend analysis shows a consistent increase in interest towards code platforms, with a peak of 92 in mid-2022. Low-code platforms have a higher search volume than no-code platforms, indicating a greater interest in development with some hand-coding. The associated tags and search terms point towards a growing interest in automation, data types, and artificial intelligence. It is also noteworthy that the competition index for "code platform" is low, suggesting that there is ample opportunity for growth in this market. Overall, the projected future for code platforms looks promising as the interest in automation and data-driven solutions continues to rise.