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Overview of Ashtakam

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What is "Ashtakam"?
Ashtakam is a term derived from the Sanskrit word aṣṭā meaning "eight." In the context of poetry, it refers to a particular form of poetic composition consisting of eight stanzas or verses. Ashtakam compositions are recited to glorify Hindu gods and goddesses, and the lyrics are often in Sanskrit. Some well-known Ashtakam compositions include Mahalakshmi Ashtakam and Shiva Ashtakam. Astak is also the name of a company that develops and manufactures home and business security solutions.
RamenApps Analysis

Ashtakam, a form of Hindu poetry, has fluctuated in interest over the past few years but has seen a recent rise in popularity with a peak interest score of 78 in Q4 2022. Associated search terms and rising trends include various devotional stotras and mantras. The current monthly search volume for Ashtakam is 210. Popular YouTube videos for Ashtakam also exist, showcasing its appeal to a digital audience. This suggests that Ashtakam remains relevant and appealing to those seeking spiritual content. As such, there could be potential investment opportunities for businesses that cater to this audience, such as publishing companies or music labels specializing in devotional music.