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LottieFiles is a platform that simplifies motion design and enables the easy creation, editing, testing, collaboration, and shipping of Lottie animations. Lottie is a JSON-based animation file format that allows animations to be shipped on any platform as easily as static assets. LottieFiles offers an extensive library of free Lottie animations that are under Creative Commons License. LottieFiles can be used safely as security risks are minimal. Lottie files use keys of 1-2 characters in length, which are not readable by humans and offer lighter alternatives to animated GIFs and APNG files for web and mobile applications, being vectorial they're independent of the device resolution.
Verification process is a series of steps or actions taken to confirm the accuracy, authenticity, or validity of something. In many contexts, it is used to ensure that information, claims, or data provided by individuals or companies are true and can be trusted. For example, when a person creates an account on a website, they may be required to verify their identity by providing a valid email address, phone number, or other personal information. Similarly, companies may need to verify the credentials of job applicants or suppliers before doing business with them. The verification process can involve various methods such as background checks, documentation review, reference checks, or testing, depending on the purpose and requirements. Ultimately, the goal of the verification process is to minimize the risk of errors, fraud, or deception, and to maintain the integrity of the system or process.
Critical Functions refer to essential services or activities that must continue without interruption during and after a disruption or crisis. These functions can be government or privately owned, and any disruption or corruption can result in severe economic and social losses. In business continuity planning, critical functions are defined as a set of activities normally performed by a unit that must continue within the first 30 days of a disruption. The identification of critical functions is crucial for any organization to ensure the protection of assets and compliance with regulations. Critical functions can range from safety to supply chain and could lead to a severe economic loss if interrupted. Testing of hypothesis also uses critical values that separate the critical and acceptance regions. Overall, critical functions play a crucial role in ensuring the efficient functioning of government and business operations during and after disruptions.