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Student loan Trends

RamenApps Analysis

Student loan: A financial pact people make when they decide that higher education is worth more than the cost of a few Bentleys. This category is a mixed bag of themes - from ways to navigate the tricky terrain of loan structure to various types of support for students struggling under the weight of repayment. One popular idea that's been doing the rounds lately is forgiveness which, let's face it, we could all do with after making some questionable choices during our college days. Then there's fixed interest rate loans - a good option if you're like me and terrified of unexpected financial surprises. And since it's never too early to start planning for the future, ssnit (we're still not sure if it's a typo or not) is a trend to keep up with if you're eyeing that sweet, sweet retirement. But let's not forget that the housing market also impacts the world of student loans, as it affects how much students can afford to pay back - unless you're rolling in cash like Charlie Crist, in which case, why are you even Googling this? Overall, this category speaks to the importance of managing the increasing cost of education and not letting it scare you away from pursuing your dreams.

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