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Sleep Trends

RamenApps Analysis

Sleep: the one thing we all wish we got more of. But what exactly does it mean in the context of trends? Well, first off we have the "better habits" trend, which is all about cultivating a healthy sleep routine. Then there's the "sleep token" trend, which is... honestly, I have no idea what that one is. Moving on! We have some medical services for those of us who need a little extra help getting some shut-eye, and of course, the timeless classic: the 24 hour clock. But it's not all boring stuff - we also have some trendy sleepwear brands like Kyte and Woolino (because nothing says "I'm trendy and well-rested" like a onesie). And for those of us who need some soothing sounds to lull us to sleep, there's everything from thunderstorms to rain to wind and rain (because apparently some people find wind soothing?). Oh, and let's not forget the importance of magnesium supplements - because nothing beats a good night's sleep like a healthy dose of glycinate. Overall, the "Sleep" category is all about taking care of ourselves and making sure we're catching those Z's.

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