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Quarantine Trends

RamenApps Analysis

Quarantine: a word that has now become all too familiar in our vocabulary. It means isolation, social distancing, and a complete upheaval of our daily routines. But what does it mean in terms of trends? Well, the top searches reveal a common theme: safety and prevention. People are looking for ways to protect themselves and their communities, whether that's through traveling with insurance from SafetyWing, getting home tests or booster doses, or learning about the Omicron variant. Even some more obscure searches like Clinceni (who knows?) and transit hotels seem to be related to staying safe while on the move. And of course, it wouldn't be the internet without a sprinkle of randomness like Elf on the Shelf and Eric Ly tossed into the mix. But overall, the Quarantine trends reflect the serious and ongoing nature of the pandemic and the desire to navigate it with caution and care.

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