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Public speaking Trends

RamenApps Analysis

Public speaking is the art of capturing an audience's attention, sharing insights, and delivering a message. There are currently a handful of trends under this category, ranging from comedy to effective communication. One trend that's gaining popularity is building in public, where speakers share their progress and engage with a live audience while creating something new. Another key trend is the power of a good argument, where speakers use persuasive language and logic to win over their listeners. Effective communication is also a staple trend, with individuals seeking ways to enhance their ability to connect with others through spoken words. Plus, there are the occasional outliers - like Liz Truss and Sofía Aragón - who are making waves and captivating the internet with their speeches. No matter the style or audience size, public speaking is a skill that can be honed and leveraged to great effect in both personal and professional settings.

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