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A military campaign is a long-term, strategic plan that incorporates a series of interrelated military operations or battles with the objective of achieving a specific goal in a foreign country. It typically involves a sequence of battles or operations within a particular area over a certain period of time. Military campaigns can be conducted by individual countries or as part of multinational efforts, such as those undertaken by the U.S. Army. They can be aimed at accomplishing operational or strategic objectives and are often categorized based on the major conflicts involved, such as the Vietnam War or the War on Terrorism. Military campaigns have a significant impact on the course of human history, reshaping the global geopolitical landscape. They are characterized by a series of engagements, battles, or actions and are also referred to as military operations, offensives, expeditions, or even crusades. Detailed maps showing troop movements, defensive structures, and groundworks can provide insights into the various campaigns throughout history.