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Plane mirror Trends

RamenApps Analysis

Plane mirror is the category that's all about reflecting (or deflecting, if you're feeling particularly rebellious) light in a straight line. This trend is all about seeing double and making sure your hair is looking fly from all angles. It's no surprise that "mirror image" is at the top of this list, people can't get enough of themselves (and who can blame them?). "Inclined plane" is also making an appearance, which sounds like it could involve some sort of ski slope action or maybe it's just a fancy way to describe the way your frameless mirror leans against the wall. Either way, it has its place in this category. "Real image" and "point source" are also gaining some traction, which tells us that people are getting serious about their optics. In a world where we're constantly bombarded with fake news, it's refreshing to see people embracing the reality of reflections. All in all, this category is all about optics and making sure you're looking as good as you think you are.

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