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Phishing Trends

RamenApps Analysis

Phishing, my dear reader, is not the latest fish-curing technique. Oh no, it’s a nefarious online scam where cyber-criminals lure their unsuspecting victims into giving away sensitive information like passwords, credit card details, and even social security numbers. It’s like the modern-day version of a con man in a trenchcoat, except they have a laptop and a VPN. So, what are the most popular trends under this insidious category, you ask? Well, let me tell you. It seems people are most concerned about the tactics used for social engineering and voice phishing. They also want to know how to protect their businesses and personal devices with multi-factor authentication and security software like Webroot and Proofpoint. And for those of you who suffer from FOMO, don’t worry, you’re not alone - this trend has a huge search volume too. But seriously, don’t fall for these phishing scams, folks. Stay alert, stay safe, and stay witty.

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