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Digital banking Trends

RamenApps Analysis

Digital banking is the future of finance, where brick and mortar branches are no longer necessary to transfer moolah - all you need is an internet connection and a device. With the rise of neobanks and fintechs, traditional banks are feeling the heat to up their game in the digital world. Revolut and Qonto are leading the charge with impressive search volumes among users initiating a shift towards cashless banking. On the other hand, Yono Business and Wema bank are also competing fiercely to gain market share. Kuda bank is trying to disrupt the status quo by turning profits in a hyper-competitive space with minimal competition index. Furthermore, thought machine and mashreq neobiz are trying to carve new niches in digital banking with their innovative products. Meanwhile, digital investments and yield savings accounts are the newest ways to build wealth without leaving your couch. In conclusion, digital banking is an ever-evolving category, and the players that can keep up with the times will survive and thrive.

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