Cyber security awareness Trends - <!-- -->Find Trends

Cyber security awareness Trends

RamenApps Analysis

Cyber security awareness: it's like having a sixth sense, but for keeping your digital assets safe from malicious intent. It's the understanding that cyber threats aren't just a thing that happens to someone else, and the willingness to take proactive measures to prevent them. And based on the trends, it seems that people are becoming more aware of just how vulnerable they are in cyberspace. From social engineering to protected health information, the search volume for topics related to cyber security is on the rise. Even the infamous uniform resource locator is getting some attention (can we get an amen for HTTPS and SSL?), and it looks like cybersecurity awareness month is here to stay. So, the next time someone asks you what "cyber security awareness" is all about, just tell them it's like a superpower, but for your online identity.

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