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Crime Trends

RamenApps Analysis

Crime, the pandora's box of the modern world. A category that continuously evolves as we discover new ways to break the law. From petty theft to cyber espionage, it encompasses all the illegal activities that cause chaos in our society. Looking at the trends within this category, it's clear that true crime is at the forefront of people's minds, with many searching for podcasts and cases to satiate their morbid curiosity. The digital era has brought forth new challenges, with cybercrime becoming a sizable threat to our personal and financial information. Meanwhile, law enforcement agencies and cybersecurity services work tirelessly to protect us from scams, fraud, and cyber threats. On the lighter side, some trends suggest people are interested in crime-related entertainment, such as movies, web series, and books. Whatever the reason, the demand for crime-related content shows no signs of slowing down.

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