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Civilization Trends

RamenApps Analysis

Civilization: a lofty word that evokes thoughts of towering temples, bustling cities, and empires that once dominated the globe. It's about the threads that bind humanity together, the cultures that have endured, the innovations that have advanced us forward. Looking at the top trends in this category, it's clear that curiosity about the past still beats strong in our collective hearts - we've got everything from ancient empires to historical methods to early inventions. But we're not just looking backwards either - modern infrastructure and coastal forests remind us that, despite the doom and gloom that often fills our news feeds, we're still working towards progress. And then there are wildcard trends like "southern made" or "cultural food" that offer glimpses into the diversity of human experiences that make up our complex civilizations. In short, the Civilization tag may encompass a vast array of topics, but at its core it speaks to our drive to understand where we came from, where we're going, and what ties us all together.

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