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Match Strategy refers to a financial plan in which an investor or firm invests in investments with payouts that "match" specific financial targets with near certainty. Examples of Match Strategies include duration matching, match capacity strategy, and matching hedging. This technique is used to ensure the values of assets and liabilities change by (approximately) the same amount in response to interest rate changes, resulting in a more stable and predictable return on investment. Educators can also use the M.A.T.C.H. flyers as a resource for students to help them stay on task and use consistent instructions for similar tasks. Overall, Match Strategy is a widely used financial planning tool that helps investors and firms achieve their financial goals with confidence.
Media Awareness is the understanding of the different methods for presenting information in newspapers, on television, on the internet, etc., and of the possible uses and dangers of these methods. It is important because the media has a strong social and cultural impact upon society. Media education teaches that the media mediate and do not reflect but re-present the world. Social media awareness refers to the knowledge and practical use of social channels for marketing and promoting a brand. It can be used to spread awareness and build a community around an issue. Media awareness training can help individuals understand the importance of representation, especially in advertising, and why equitable and inclusive media is important. Overall, media awareness is essential for individuals to comprehend the impact of media on society and how to navigate media in a safe and effective manner.