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How to Find Interesting Topics to Write About

By RG team · 14 min read

Last Updated on June 5, 2023

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Writing can be a therapeutic experience for many people, but sometimes it's hard to know where to start or what to write about. It's crucial to find topics that are not only entertaining, but also interesting to write about. Interesting topics will keep your readers engaged and will help you produce your best work. In this article, we'll explore the importance of finding interesting topics to write about and how to discover them.

As a content creator, it's important to keep your audience engaged with fresh and interesting content on a regular basis. Finding new topics to write about can be difficult, but with the right tools and techniques, it can become more manageable. Whether you are a budding writer or a seasoned veteran, the topics you write about have a significant impact on your work. In this article, we'll help you find new and captivating topics that will keep your readers engaged and inspired.

In the next few sections, we'll discuss the benefits of writing about interesting topics, as well as how to find inspiration in everyday life, how to overcome writer's block, and utilizing research and personal experience to develop unique and creative topics. So, sit back, relax, and let's delve into the importance of finding interesting topics to write about.

Understanding the Importance of Finding Interesting Topics to Write About

One of the most important aspects of writing is finding the right topic. The right topic can make or break a piece of writing. Interesting topics will pique the reader's interest and keep them reading until the end. As a writer, it's important to understand that the topic of your writing is just as crucial as the actual content. When choosing a topic, it's essential to consider the audience you're writing for, the message you're conveying and how the topic affects you personally.

Choosing an interesting topic can also make the writing process more enjoyable and less stressful. When you're passionate about the topic you're writing about, it's easier to write and convey your message effectively. On the other hand, if you're struggling with a topic, it can become a tedious, overwhelming and frustrating experience. Choosing an interesting topic will not only benefit your readers but also benefit you as a writer.

Moreover, writing about interesting topics can help expand your knowledge and experience in various areas. Writing about topics that interest you means you'll have to do research, explore different perspectives and gather information to create a well-rounded article. This will help you learn something new and provide you with a sense of accomplishment.

The Benefits of Writing About Interesting Topics

person writing on white paper

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Writing about interesting topics can provide numerous benefits for both the reader and the writer. Firstly, it keeps the reader engaged and interested in the article. Interesting topics can captivate readers and keep them reading until the end. This is especially important in today's world where readers have many options, and attention spans are short. By choosing interesting topics, writers can create a connection with their readers and keep them coming back for more.

Secondly, writing about interesting topics can provide a sense of fulfillment and pride for the writer. When an article is well-received and read by many, it can provide a sense of accomplishment and confidence. This can lead to additional opportunities for writers, such as writing assignments and job opportunities.

Another benefit of writing about interesting topics is that it can lead to personal growth. Choosing topics that pique your interest can lead to personal exploration and growth in your own knowledge and perspective. It can also challenge your critical thinking skills and force you to see things from a different angle. This can expand your worldview and make you a more well-rounded individual.

Finally, choosing interesting topics when writing can also provide a creative outlet and relieve stress. When writers are passionate about a topic, they can lose themselves in the writing process and create something truly unique and expressive. This can be a therapeutic experience that helps manage stress and anxiety.

Unique and Creative Topics to Write About

When it comes to writing, there are endless possibilities for unique and creative topics to explore. One way to find inspiration for interesting topics is to reflect on your personal experiences and allow your creativity to take over. Your personal experiences can bring a fresh and unique perspective to your writing that can captivate your readers.

Another great way to find unique topics is to observe the world around you. Current events, news stories, and social trends can all be sources for fascinating writing topics. By exploring topics visually, it can provide a unique point of view that can make your work stand out.

Another way is to use lists that provide inspiration. The internet is full of resources that contain lists of interesting topics to write about. These resources can provide a useful starting point that can stimulate your creativity.

Incorporating humor into your writing can boost creativity and provide an entertaining read for your audience. Finding the right balance between humor and serious content can create a refreshing and unique writing style that stands out.

Lastly, exploring different writing genres can inspire unique and creative topics. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry and playwriting can all provide different perspectives and ideas.

Finding Inspiration Everywhere: Everyday Life as a Source of Interesting Topics

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Photo by Paolo Nicolello on Unsplash

Sometimes the most interesting topics can come from the mundane aspects of everyday life. Writing about ordinary experiences, such as going to the grocery store or taking a walk in the park, can lead to unique and fascinating stories.

One way to turn everyday experiences into interesting topics is to find the hidden stories within them. Every experience has a story behind it, whether it's meeting a stranger or having a unique conversation with a friend. By finding these hidden stories and expanding on them, you can create engaging and thought-provoking topics.

Another way to find inspiration is to explore the emotions and thoughts that come up during everyday experiences. For example, exploring the emotions you feel when walking through a crowded city or the thoughts you have while waiting for a bus can lead to captivating topics that your readers can relate to.

You can also find inspiration by observing others and their experiences with everyday tasks. Viewing the world from a different perspective, such as through the eyes of a child or an elderly person, can lead to interesting and unique topics that provide a different perspective on daily life.

Overcoming Writer's Block When Finding Interesting Topics to Write About

Even the most talented writers suffer from writer's block, which can lead to frustration and a lack of inspiration. Fortunately, there are several techniques that writers can use when they are struggling to find interesting topics to write about.

One way to overcome writer's block is to take a step back and allow yourself to relax. Sometimes, pressure to come up with a topic can be overwhelming, and this can hinder creativity. Going for a walk, meditating, or engaging in other relaxing activities can help clear your mind and foster inspiration.

Another way to beat writer's block is to brainstorm. Brainstorming can help you generate new ideas by allowing your creativity to flow freely. Try writing down any idea that comes to mind, no matter how silly it might seem at first. Once you have a list of ideas, you can narrow them down to the most interesting and build upon them.

You can also try switching your perspective when you're struggling with writer's block. For example, try writing from the perspective of a different character or exploring a topic from a new angle. This can be a helpful way to jumpstart your creativity and get you thinking more deeply about your topic.

Lastly, utilizing research can also help overcome writer's block. Researching new perspectives on a topic, or exploring a new field can lead to a deeper understanding of your subject, and can inspire new ideas.

The Power of Research in Finding Interesting Topics to Write About

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Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash

Research is a valuable tool that writers can use to find interesting topics to write about. Researching different fields allows writers to delve deeper into a topic, understand it from different perspectives and develop unique writing ideas.

One way research is effective in finding interesting topics is by helping you discover fascinating and obscure information. Learning about new subjects, or exploring deeper within the subject matter, can provide a wealth of information that can lead to captivating and unique topics.

Research can also help you discover new trends and patterns within your field. By keeping up with current events and understanding how to separate what's hype from what's truly important, you can explore new angles and bring a fresh perspective to your writing.

Another way research can be beneficial is by providing sources of inspiration from various mediums. For example, utilizing other forms of media such as podcasts, books and documentaries can generate new and exciting ideas. Finding new topics can also come from the comments of articles and discussion zones, as it may offer a different take on a subject.

Finally, research can also help you to identify new trends and patterns that are meaningful to your audience. Understanding the issues that matter to your readers can help you to craft interesting, thoughtful and engaging writing.

The Importance of Knowing Your Audience When Choosing Interesting Topics to Write About

When choosing interesting topics to write about, it's essential to understand and consider your audience. Understanding who your readers are, what interests them, and their motivations for reading your content helps you to tailor your writing to their needs.

When you know your audience, you can develop a better understanding of the topics they find interesting and create more relatable and engaging content. For example, if you're writing to a younger audience, you may want to explore topics that are trending in pop culture. Alternatively, if you're writing for a business audience, topics on marketing and strategy might be more appropriate.

Knowing your audience also allows you to create a more personalized tone and writing style that resonates with your readers. Writing for a younger audience might mean using more informal language or colloquialisms, while writing for a professional audience may require a more formal and technical tone.

If you're unsure about your audience, try conducting surveys, interacting with them on social media or asking for feedback on previous articles. This can provide valuable insights into your readers' preferences and help you better navigate the topics you want to write about.

Using Personal Experience as Inspiration for Interesting Topics to Write About

Utilizing personal experience can be an excellent source of inspiration when seeking interesting topics to write about. Everyone has a unique story to tell, and this can lead to captivating and relatable writing.

Drawing on personal experiences can provide authenticity and depth to your writing. Using your own experiences as a starting point, you can explore universal themes that your readers can relate to. Personal experience is also a powerful motivator that can lead to more passionate and engaging writing.

One way to use personal experience as inspiration is to explore moments of struggle, conflict or growth. This can allow you to convey powerful emotional messages that resonate with readers. Writing about personal challenges and how you overcame them can provide a source of inspiration for those facing similar situations.

Another approach is to explore moments of joy, hope, or triumph. Writing about personal accomplishments can provide a sense of inspiration to your readers, as they see someone effectively navigating their journey through life.

Using personal experience can also help you to craft a more refined and effective writing voice. Personal experience gives writers the ability to write with authority, empathy and relatability, which can be highly engaging to an audience.

In conclusion, utilizing personal experience can be a source of inspiration for interesting topics to write about. Exploring moments of struggle, conflict, joy, hope, or triumph brings authenticity and depth to your writing. It can also provide a foundation for an authoritative and relatable writing style that resonates with your readers.

Leveraging Current Events and Trends in Choosing Interesting Topics to Write About

a woman standing in front of a newspaper stand

Photo by Ariana Tafur on Unsplash

One of the most effective ways to find interesting topics to write about is to analyze current trends and events. News, trends, and other similar topics can be hotbeds of controversy and provide ample opportunity for nuanced and engaging writing.

Staying up-to-date with current events provides writers with the opportunity to explore new topics that their audience is already interested in. This can be done by keeping an eye on news sources, social media, blogs with massive followings, and even the hot discussions going on in discussion boards.

A benefit of leveraging trends and events is that it also allows writers to analyze cultural trends and shifts. Understanding the shifts of values such as a change in social structure, new norms, etc., can make your writing better because it provides an insight into what people need, how they want to feel, what they fear, and what they value.

Another way to leverage trends and events is to provide a fresh perspective or angle on a current topic that has been extensively already covered. By introducing a unique spin" on a popular topic, writers can capture their readers' attention and stand out from the crowd. For instance, during the global pandemic, there were countless articles written on the topic of remote work. However, a writer who explored the psychological impact of remote work on individuals and families could create a fresh take on the subject.

Brainstorming Techniques for Finding Interesting Topics

Aside from personal experience and current events, brainstorming techniques can also be valuable tools in finding interesting topics to write about. One technique is to make a list of keywords related to your niche or theme. From there, expand on each keyword by writing down related subtopics or questions that come to mind.

Another technique is mind mapping, where you write a central topic in the middle of a piece of paper and branch out with related subtopics and ideas.

Free writing is also a helpful technique in which writers jot down everything that comes to mind, without worrying about grammar or structure. This allows writers to tap into their inner creativity and potentially discover unique ideas. Lastly, collaborating with others, such as fellow writers or readers, can also spark new ideas and perspectives for interesting topics to write about. Overall, utilizing personal experience, staying up-to-date with current events and trends, and brainstorming techniques can all be effective methods in finding interesting topics to write about.


In conclusion, finding interesting topics to write about can be a challenging yet rewarding process. By tapping into personal experience, keeping an eye on current events, and using brainstorming techniques, writers can discover fresh and unique perspectives on their chosen subjects. Ultimately, the key to finding success in writing is to stay curious, remain open to new ideas, and always strive to create something that will captivate and engage readers.