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Boring Consistency: the Key to Success?

By RG team · 3 min read

Last Updated on June 27, 2023

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In our ever-evolving world, we often seek greatness, aiming to stand out from the crowd and leave our mark on the world. We admire those who achieve extraordinary feats and aspire to follow in their footsteps. However, the path to greatness is not always paved with extraordinary actions or grand gestures. Instead, it lies in the consistent repetition of small, good actions. The concept of "to be great, be good repeatably" emphasizes the importance of focusing on a few key things and doing them exceptionally well. This principle can be applied to various aspects of life, from entrepreneurship to content creation to athletics. By understanding and embracing this philosophy, entrepreneurs can unlock their true potential and pave the way for success.

Here are some examples.

Building Exceptional Products

gray and brown corded headphones

Photo by Lee Campbell on Unsplash

When it comes to product development— especially software products— the notion of "less is more" rings true. Instead of creating a complex product with numerous features, successful entrepreneurs understand the power of simplicity. By focusing on a few core features and solving a handful of problems exceptionally well, they can create a product that resonates deeply with their target audience. Think about some of the most successful products in history - they often have a simple, elegant design and offer a seamless user experience. By honing in on what truly matters and executing it with excellence, these creators establish themselves as industry leaders.

Content Creation: Consistency Brings Greatness

For content creators, the road to success is paved with a multitude of small creative acts. To achieve greatness in this realm, one must consistently produce high-quality content. Instead of aiming for perfection with every piece, focus on creating value for your audience and delivering consistent quality. Engage your audience with fresh ideas and perspectives, ensuring that each piece contributes to your overall body of work. Over time, this consistent effort will lead to a portfolio of great content, elevating your status as a content creator.

Athletics: The Beauty of Consistency

grayscale basketball players

Photo by Max Winkler on Unsplash

In the realm of sports, some of the greatest achievements are born out of consistent, repetitive excellence. The players who consistently perform at a high level, night after night, are often the ones who experience long-term success. It may not always capture the headlines, but the simple act of an NBA player dropping 20 points and grabbing 10 rebounds every game is an incredible feat. Over time, this stat line becomes a legendary feat. By honing their skills and consistently delivering exceptional performances, athletes set themselves apart and earn a place among the sports legends.

Investing: The Magic of Steady Returns


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

When it comes to financial success, the principle of "to be great, be good repeatably" can have a profound impact. By consistently making good financial decisions and achieving steady returns, individuals can witness the power of compounding. Even if the returns seem modest in the short term, over time, they accumulate and grow exponentially. A 15% return may not sound like much, but compounding that return over 50 years can result in an astonishing 1083x growth. This principle highlights the importance of patience, discipline, and consistency in financial endeavors.


The path to greatness is not always marked by extraordinary acts or grand gestures. Instead, it lies in the consistent repetition of small, good actions. Whether it's building exceptional products, creating valuable content, excelling in athletics, or achieving financial success, the key to greatness is simple yet profound. By focusing on doing a few things exceptionally well and repeating them consistently, individuals can unlock their true potential and pave the way for success. Embracing the philosophy of "to be great, be good repeatably" allows entrepreneurs to align their efforts with market trends, content creators to produce valuable work, athletes to excel in their chosen field, and investors to witness the power of compounding. Remember, greatness is not an overnight achievement but the result of persistent, focused effort over time.